Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I know that this month isn't over yet, but that's okay.  If I don't write it down now, I won't remember later what happened at the first of the month.  So here goes:

We found out that little Miss Nona Leigh loves to sing.  She was holding her baby doll the other night and I asked her to sing to her baby and rock her.  Well she did and it was just too cute!  Just watch and see what happens.

Lets see, Nona Leigh has also learned to sign more.  It is so funny to watch her doing it.  I'll have to try and get a video of her doing it one night at dinner time.  Nona Leigh also had her 15 month appointment near the middle of the month.  Well she was 21.5 lbs, and 31" tall.  Her height has slowed down a little bit, she is only in the 75th percentile now.  Whereas before she was in the 95th percentile.  I am hoping this is only a momentary lapse in growth and that she won't get the short genes on my side of the family!  Come on tall genes!!

Aaron has had a great month as well.  He has been working at Hobby Lobby since November of 2010.  Well he has wanted to leave since the day he took the job, so he was applying for jobs left and right.  Well one of them contacted him and he starts next Monday.  He is so excited and so ready to be done with Hobby Lobby!  And hopefully he can teach a few lessons on the side.  No students yet, but if you know any drummers looking for a great teacher, send them our way!

Now for me, saved the best for last!  Well okay Nona's the best but this really has to do with her.  So my MIL got a new camera a few weeks ago and I have been looking at her pictures and getting more and more jealous.  Well I talked to a co-worker, and he had me sold after looking at the pictures he had taken. Well I came home and that evening talked to Aaron, and we decided to take the leap into the world of Dslr cameras.  I am so happy that we did.  It is a lot of fun to have so much control over your photographs.  And the quality of these photos is incredible!  I have only played around with it, but I have taken quite a few great pictures.

The picture above of just Nona and the one to the left of just Aaron were "lucky" shots, that actually turned out really nice.  I tweaked the picture of Aaron a bit and did a sepia coloring on it.  The first picture in my post was a shot I actually meant to take.  I just thought it was so cute.  You can tell that Nona Leigh loves her daddy!

So that is pretty much what has happened up to this point.  We have been a busy little family, and hopefully it will stay that way.  And there will definitely be more pictures in the future!!

If you want to check out the rest of my pictures that I've taken so far, check out my Mobile Me.

1 comment:

  1. That photo bug has hit several of us :) Great fun however :)
