Friday, March 25, 2011

At The Playground

So we decided to take Miss Nona out to the playground beside our apartment a few afternoons ago.  And of course we took Miss Dixie as well.  And I took the camera, Nona is going to think the camera is a part of my body.  Anyways I took a ton of shots outside.  I loved it!  It was so much easier to take pictures outside than inside.  Natural light is so much better!

I am getting better at using my camera and understanding some of the settings.  I took a few pictures and now looking back I wish I had changed the focus point on a few and taken the picture.  But I am learning.  Just something to remember for in the future.  We did have a good time playing though, well Nona played, I took pictures, Dixie sniffed EVERYTHING, and Daddy just watched it all.

So I just had to post a few of my pictures.  I tried my hand a little bit at landscape pictures.  I found that I am much better at taking pictures of my delightful daughter, and handsome husband.  But I think I will keep trying.

I have been reading a few books trying to get some more ideas on how to use my camera.  I am looking at a few different websites, just to get a few creative ideas.  I am still unsure if I will end up taking a class or not.  Right now I am leaning towards no, but we shall see in the future.  I do pretty well learning on my own with most things.  And besides practice makes perfect and I am definitely willing to practice this craft and I am determined to succeed at it.  

So now I will leave you with this.  If you would like to go and check out more of our playground adventures go check out my Mobile Me Gallery:  At the Playground

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