Saturday, September 3, 2011

Shooting On Manual

Okay, so I got to borrow another lens.  And I must say, it is awesome!  It is a Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 zoom lens.  I am so jealous, and I want one.  But I am so thankful to have someone nice enough to just allow me to borrow Lenses like this.

So anyways, I spent a little time outside this afternoon.  After an emergency heart this A.M. I got home to take some pictures.  I am loving my camera!  I am now beginning to feel more comfortable with it, and I shot in Manual Mode today.  Which is exciting to me, only because I thought I would never be able to understand enough to do this.  But I think I did pretty well.

 I never thought I would enjoy taking pictures, but I really do like it.  I think what I like so much about it, is that if I mess up a picture, I just hit the delete button.  (Thank goodness for digital photography)  And if no one else likes my pictures well that's okay, they are just for me anyways.  I am not the greatest at composing a good picture, but every once in a while I get a lucky shot in there.  I almost feel like an artist, and I really don't have an artistic bone in my body.

I really am enjoying playing around with Manual.  I have complete control over the shot.  Today I was playing around with exposing the shot for the light and then re-composing the shot to include a lot of the shadowed area.    The effect was pretty cool!  I was also just shooting, just to shoot.  I actually got off a shot of the stairs leading up to our apartment.  It actually turned out to be a pretty cool picture.

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