As for Miss Nona, she is doing well. She is just getting over an ear infection, while at the same time getting in her last set of molars. We have lost several nights of sleep over these. But thanks to good ole tylenol and motrin, she is doing better. (Thank Goodness!)
Aaron is doing well. He is still working at Four Corners and really likes it. Hopefully he will be there for a while. He has also started writing music again. I don't know how it is going as I try to let him do his thing, and not pester him. As for me I am still a Perfusionist. I love my job, and the guys I work with! So I guess you could say we are all doing well. Including Miss Dixie. Of course she is doing well, she is still spoiled rotten.
So now on to the pictures. I have taken several over the past few days. And tonight I took my All Time Favorite:
I don't know how Aaron and I were blessed with such a beautiful child. She was so funny when I went to take this picture. I asked her to go and stand over there, so she walked right over to where I had pointed. Then she turned around and said "Cheese." It was just too cute. She actually posed for this picture. And I was lucky enough to capture it!
The next picture was a bit later. She only wanted to pose for the first two pictures. After that she was done. After that she wandered around and finally went to lean up against the wall of the apartment complex and wait on her crazy photo-snapping Mother, and Miss Dixie. So of course crazy Mommy took a few more pictures. they turned out cute, but not like the first one.
so that is where we are right now. Just hanging out, living life day by day. Trying to enjoy every minute, and not let it pass us by. She is growing up so fast and it seams like just yesterday she was just learning to walk. Now she has and attitude, and knows exactly what she does and doesn't like. One day Aaron and I will be added to that don't like list. But until then I am going to soak up every minute of the Mommy and Daddy are better than sliced bread phase!
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